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Smart Kangaroo | Dubai IT Solutions - Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design

Today it's essential to provide a user friendly experience for all users across all platforms (desktop, tablet, mobile) and getting there is no easy task. With new devices being released almost daily it's impossible to keep up unless your website is responsive.
Responsive website design is a design approach that takes into consideration a user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. By using a design with flexible grid layouts, css (cascading style sheets), and correctly sized images the website will automatically "respond" to the user's device type. This type of design eliminates the need for a different design for each type of device on the market.

Modern Browser Compatible
Search Engine Friendly
Accessible to People With Disabilities
Clean and Un-Cluttered Code Base
Quick & Easy Updates & Upgrades
Third Party App Friendly
From desktop to tablet to mobile, our responsive website designs just work.

Integration With Third Party Software
Prior to launching your new responsive website you'll more than likely need to integrate some type of third party application or software.
Our Content Guru's™ really know their stuff! With many years of real-world programming experience there's not an existing or new line of code we can't work with.
From shopping carts like our very own Content Shelf™ to affiliate programs to email marketing apps, we have the knowledge and software tools to integrate pretty much any third party app or software with your new website.
Did we mention that we're also fast and extremely efficient. Most third party apps can be installed, configured, tested and launched within 24-48 hours.

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